Governance and Trustees

Governance and Trustees

St Mark's Saltney


The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is responsible for working with Hennie as vicar to 'promote in the parish the whole mission of the Church' (PCC (Powers) Measure 1956). It is the governing body of St Mark’s, and since the church is registered with the Charity Commission, its members are charity trustees.

The PCC is responsible for the church's buildings and finances and for ensuring that suitable policies and procedures are in place to ensure good governance and compliance. It therefore oversees Health and Safety arrangements, compliance with data protection law, and the church's safeguarding procedures.

The membership of the PCC is governed by the Church Representation Rules, and includes the clergy licensed to the parish, the church's churchwardens and Deanery Synod representatives, its Safeguarding Officer (co-opted,) and a group of elected members. Elections take place at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in April each year, which all members of the church are encouraged to attend, and which receives reports on the church's activity through the year, its finances and fabric, and changes to its electoral roll.
