We are St Mark’s Children and Youth
‘Loving God and making his love known’ is our church mission statement and its truth reaches through our whole community; from the youngest to the oldest.
At St Mark’s we are passionate about children and young people finding faith and making it their own. We know that life and faith are done best together, so we run a variety of activities ranging from a baby and toddler group to chill out evenings to Bible studies to water fights. As well as these ‘in house’ activities we also link with other local Churches, Christian Charities, schools and youth groups because we believe that our faith is for every day, not just Sundays.
Our aim through all of these activities is to:
Walk alongside children and young people as they explore faith and encounter our living God,
Disciple children and young people so that they are equipped to live out their faith,
Empower children and young people to be confident in sharing their faith with others,
Draw alongside families to support them through life,
Partner with families for faith at home, and
To have fun and explore life in its fullness.
So, if you are 0-18:
Come as you are, Connect with others, Journey into God’s word and Do life together.
Want to know more and how you can get involved?
Please contact Cat, our Youth Worker: youthwork@stmarkssaltney.org.uk
We’d love to hear from you.